Are you a wagie? Most probably you are unless you have some passive/active income from your product.

Over the past decade, I’ve seen many people jumping from a mechanical engineer role to a software field. Reason is quite obvious. I don’t want to tell you that software industry now provides more employment. It’s really good if you enjoy it. What if you are not interested in but still working on it.? I don’t know how it feels like considering money comes on top of it as a reward.

We will all go through a point when you actually hate the stuff you are doing. This is again depends on the ‘point’ I just mentioned. May be I’m wrong here. But it’s the case with most people.

No matter where you live in this world, we are involved in some form of work for living. Don’t get me wrong here, there are also people working in something as a passion. But in the end, what ever you do, you’ll be rewarded with money. This is to say that not all people work expecting money in return. But those people must be really loving their job.

It was after a month of break. I was once at a point where I was bored with my job (tech burnout you could say). I saw few YT videos to retain my old workflow. Unfortunately, none worked. Thanks due to that reason, I was able to look through few other different things. This is why I believe that, when our mind wants us to take a break, we should.

So, I was doing different things at that point. During this time, I was introduced by a Bible scripture regarding our job. It says about job (for living) in general. Because, as a Christian I was wondering why I didn’t read/see it before.

I’ll mention some short scriptures here along with a brief explanation of the same. But, do look for the corresponding chapters, cross-check with your Bible incase of any questions/wrong statements I’m this blog.

Below is going to be a 5 minute read. 📖 🕔


How to Enjoy Hard Work

Everyone should eat and drink and find enjoyment for all his hard work. It is the gift of God. (Ecclesiastes 3:13)


Whether your work is mostly mental, mostly physical, or somewhere in between, recognize that “there is benefit in every kind of hard work.” (Proverbs 14:23)

We can view our work as a means to an end. Work is an honorable way to care for our responsibilities. “Providing for yourself is an accomplishment,” says 25-year-old Joshua. “If you are able to pay for what you need, then your work is doing what it is supposed to do.”

Moreover, hard work contributes to our self-respect. After all, hard work is just that hard. When we discipline ourselves to stick with our work even if it seems boring or difficult—​we can have the satisfaction of knowing that we held ourselves to a high standard. We have won a victory over the inclination to take the easy way out. (Proverbs 26:14) In that sense, work brings an intense feeling of satisfaction.

“I love the feeling I have after a long day of work,” says Aaron, quoted in the preceding article. “I may be exhausted​—and my work might have even gone unnoticed by others—​but I know that I’ve accomplished something.”


The Bible speaks highly of the man who is “skillful at his work” and the woman who “delights to work with her hands.” (Proverbs 22:29; 31:13)

Of course, a person does not become skillful automatically. And few of us enjoy doing things that we are not good at. Perhaps that is why many do not enjoy their work; they simply have not put forth enough effort to become good at it.

In reality, a person can learn to enjoy almost any kind of work if he approaches it with the right mind-set​—that is, if he focuses on learning how to do the job well. “When you put your best into a task and see the results, it’s very satisfying,” says 24-year-old William. “You never get that feeling from cutting corners or doing only the minimum.”


Avoid the trap of thinking only about how much money you are earning. Rather, ask yourself such questions as these: ‘Why is this job necessary? What would happen if it wasn’t done​—or it wasn’t done right? How does my work benefit others?’

That last question is especially good to think about, for work is most satisfying when we see how it benefits other people. Jesus himself said:

There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving. (Acts 20:35)

In addition to those who benefit directly from our services​—such as customers and employers—​there are others who benefit from our hard work. These include members of our household and those in need.

When a family works hard to provide for members of his household, he benefits them in at least two ways. First, he makes sure that they have the physical necessities of life​—food, clothing, and shelter. He thus fulfills his God-given responsibility to “provide for those who are his own.” (1 Timothy 5:8) Second, a diligent breadwinner teaches by example the importance of hard work. “My father is a great example of someone who has a good work ethic,” says Shane, quoted in the preceding article. “He is an honest man who has worked hard his whole life, the majority of it as a carpenter. From his example, I’ve learned the value of working with your hands, building things that will have practical use for other people.”

Indeed, when we work hard to provide for ourselves and our family, we may also be in a position to help those who are less fortunate. (Proverbs 3:27) .So hard work can enable us to experience the greater happiness of giving.


In his famous Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said: “If someone in authority compels you into service for a mile, go with him two miles.” (Matthew 5:41)

How might you apply the principle behind those words to your own work? Rather than simply doing the minimum, look for ways to do more than is required. Set personal goals; challenge yourself to do your work better or faster than expected. Take pride in even the small details of your work.

When you go the extra mile, you are more likely to enjoy your work. Why? Because you are in control of your actions. You are giving more because you want to, not because someone forced you to. (Philemon 14) In this regard, we might recall the principle recorded at Proverbs 12:24:

“The hand of the diligent ones will rule, but idle hands will be put to forced labor.”

True, few of us will be put under literal slavery or forced labor. However, a person who does only the bare minimum may feel that he is enslaved, always under the yoke of the demands of others. But the person who goes the extra mile​—doing more because he chooses to—​feels in control of his life. He remains master over his actions.


Hard work is admirable, yet we do well to remember that there is more to life than work. True, the Bible encourages diligence. (Proverbs 13:4) But it does not encourage becoming a workaholic.

Better is a handful of rest than two handfuls of hard work and chasing after the wind,” says Ecclesiastes 4:6.

The point? A workaholic may never enjoy the fruitage of his labor if his work consumes all his time and energy. In effect, his work becomes as pointless as “chasing after the wind.”

Although it says we should apply ourselves to our work, it also advises us to “make sure of the more important things.” (Philippians 1:10) What are the more important things? These include spending time with family and friends.

That’s it! Wasn’t that read amazing? I felt good after I read it. When we do some job with no enjoyment, we should take a moment to think about above things. It just gives meaning to any job we are involved in. I’m sure someone will find this blog useful.

Mostly I used to write Blog at weekends. But this is a week start ahead. Anyways, Do your best!