I made my Resume from Markdown with CSS styles.

Hey all! welcome back to another article. I hope your week is going well. About me, I’ve had few wonderful stories to share with you, which is about a job interview that i had applied for. In the final round(HR)the story went twisty in many ways. So, I’ll share it another day. I’ve been so concerned about editing my resume. Up till last week, i was using Canva website to make my resume....

June 7, 2022

I Left Blogger After 6 Years

It has been more than 6 years since I started my Blogger journey. Blogspot indeed was/is a good way to start any static website from scratch and get it done in minutes. It felt very convenient for me over the years and also the settings and configs are also very intuitive. Not so long ago, I saw a cookie pop-up on my blogger which I did notice when someone told me....

April 29, 2022